Pineapple & Pork is a marriage made in Hog Heaven. It's got it all--sweet, savory, salty and tropical--so much flavor y'all be fightin' over the last one--so take my advice and make a heapin' batch of this sensational summertime grilled treat.

Porky Pineapple
Jason Smith, FNS
Serves 6
1-whole pineapple, peeled, cored
12-strips bacon
½-cup brown sugar
¼-tsp cayenne pepper
½-tsp onion powder
· Preheat oven to 400°F.
· Cut peeled and cored pineapple into 12 spears.
· In a small bowl mix the sugar, cayenne and onion powder.
· Rub the pineapple with half the mix.
· Starting at one end of pineapple spear wrap one strip of bacon around it.
· Repeat until all is wrapped.
· Place on a foil lined baking sheet, grease foil real good.
· Sprinkle the rest of the rub over bacon.
· Place in oven and bake until bacon is cooked through about 25 mins.
· Heat up grill to 500°F, place each spear on frill for 2 mins per side, just enough to get the great grill marks and a little smoky flavor.
Tip: This can be made with any sturdy fruit.