Lord Honey, I think ever'one has a memory of their granny's old-fashioned apple dumplins'--that's one reason they are at the top of the list when it comes to desserts that bring both comfort and nostalgia--that--and the fact that they are one of the yummiest confections ever!! My "Sweet & Simple Apple Dumplins" have kept all the flavors and flakiness of an old-fashioned favorite--while makin' it a little quicker & easier.

Sweet & Simple Apple Dumplins'
Jason Smith, FNS
Serves 8
4-apples of your favorite variety, peeled and cored
2-tubes crescent roll dough
½-cup butter, room temp
½-cup brown sugar
1-tsp ground cinnamon
¼-tsp ground cloves
Pinch of salt
Juice form half a lemon about 1-2 TBSP
Dusting Mix:
¼-cup white sugar
½-tsp ground ginger
½-tsp ground nutmeg
Gooey Sauce:
½-cup butter, melted
½-cup brown sugar
1-tsp cinnamon
1-can ginger-ale or citrus soda
· Preheat oven to 350°, butter or spray a 9x13 baking dish.
· In a small bowl, place the room-temp butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves and lemon juice; mix until combined; set aside.
· Cut the apples in half--through the middle (not top to bottom), there should be a hole completely through the middle of each half, as a result of coring the apples.

· In a small bowl, place the Dusting Mix ingredients and stir to combine.
-- roll each apple half in the dusting mix--coating well.
· Lay the crescent dough on a piece of wax paper, make a square with 2 triangles of dough. You should get 4 squares from each can.
· Stuff the hole of each apple with the butter mixture, dividing evenly, making sure to pack the butter very well; place the apple half on the dough square.
· Bring the sides of the dough up and seal around apple.
· Place the apple(s) seam-side down in baking dish.
· Place the Gooey Sauce ingredients (except for the soda drink) into a bowl and mix well.
--Pour the Gooey Sauce mixture over the dumplings; Pour the soda drink around the dumplings; sprinkle any remaining Dusting Mix over the dumplings.
· Place in oven and bake for 25-30 mins or until dumplins are nice and golden brown and sauce is thick.
--Let set for 5-10 minutes to allow sauce to cool and thicken.
--Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
Tip: You can also make this with biscuit dough or pie dough.